CASSP Workshops
CASSP volunteer training workshops has two parts. The first part is a free, online classroom session held every few months on a Saturday from 9:00 to 3:00. The second part is an in-person field session that is offered a few weeks or months afterward. You must attend the online training before participating in the field training.
An online session was held on November 16, 2024. The follow-up field sessions will be offered in early 2025. Eligible participants can choose among three locations in the Mojave or Colorado Desert (in southern California). The field requres that you previously attend the online session, pay a one-time $25 workshop fee to Partners for Archaeological Site Stewardship, and sign a confidentiality agreement to not reveal sensitive site information such as location.
Additional CASSP workshops will be planned for Spring 2025.
February 8, Volunteer training workshop field trip
YThe second part of CASSP volunteer training will be held on February 8 for site stewards at the BLM Palm Springs-South Coast Field Office. Participation is restricted to people who previously attended the first day of CASSP training in an online, 6-hour workshop. You are requred to register, pay a fee of $25 to Partners for Archaeological Site Stewardship, and sign a confidentiality agreement to not reveal sensitive site information. Please register by sending an email with your name and email address to In the subject line, write, "BLM Palm Springs-South Coast Field Office".
Lunch (sandwiches and salad)and snacks will be provided, along with a CASSP hat and notebook of background information.
Future field training also will be held at the BLM Barstow Field Office and BLM El Centro Field Office. Dates will be announced here as soon as they are confirmed.
January 11, Heritage Hike to Corn Springs
CASSP Heritage Hikes are free, public events to view heritage resource sites in California. We provide snacks and water and information about the site and why it should be preserved and protected. Heritage Hikes last less than 4 hours, not counting driving.
The next Heritage Hike will take place on Saturday, January 11. We will visit Corn Springs, a rock art site in the Chuckwalla Mountains in Riverside County. It is located about 90 miles east of Palm Springs, near Desert Center on Interstate 10. We will meet at the site at 9:00, and leave by 1:00.
This event is free and open to the public. Please register by sending an email message with your name and email address to In the subject line, write, "Corn Springs Heritage Hike". We will send you a map and background information.