SCA Plenary sessionCASSP volunteer Beth Armstrong spoke during the opening plenary session of the 2023 SCA Annual Meeting.

Archaeologists describe artifacts during the field trip part of the training.

CASSP is the California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program. It recruits and trains public volunteers to help protect archaeological and historical sites by making repeated visits to assigned sites and report on their conditions. Volunteer site stewards work under the supervision of archaeologists who work at the land management agency where the sites are located.

small marker(updated May 3, 2024). We will present part 1 of the CASSP volunteer training workshop in a 6-hour Zoom meeting on Saturday, May 18. It will start at 9:00 AM and finish at 3:00 PM (Pacific Time). Topics include ethics, safety, site stewardship duties and responsibilities, confidentiality of site information, and volunteer opportunities from CASSP archaeologists and volunteers and archaeologists from land management agencies in California. You must register in advance by sending your name and email address to You will receive the Zoom link and a PDF file containing the training session outlines.

Part 2 of the CASSP workshop consists of an in-person field day to make site stewardship visit(s) at one or more sites with an archaeologist. In order to attend a field day, you must attend part 1 first, and sign a confidentiality agreement to not reveal sensitive site information, and pay a $25 workshop fee to Partners for Archaeological Site Stewardship.

small marker(updated Sep 12, 2023) Partners for Archaeological Site Stewardship (PASS) provides CASSP and we support site stewardship in across the nation by sharing best practices. PASS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is located in Long Beach, California.